This is submitted to Erica Drayton for the MicroZine

FLIGHT, 50 words

He is a broken-winged bird, and his flight is very slow.

Inspire him with your compassion.

She’s single, alone and lowly, and she’s lost all hope.

Rescue her with your friendship.

Will you be the helper of the poor, the defender of the weak,

the protector of the little ones?

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Word length: 6

Story Title: Daedalus


For sale: waxen wings, gently used

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Story :


Words 6

Serenely soaring. Searching effortlessly journeys end.

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Word length: 6 +50 + 100 stacked

Story title: No Fly Zone (TW)


Bird: Warm-blooded egg-laying beaked feathered vertebrate (6)

The penguin was apoplectic. “This is pure and simple bullshit. I won’t have my birdness dictated to me. Let’s see this place in person. At least we surpass the dress code lol. So, they will let in some chicken who likely ends up as a breaded nugget, but not us. (50)

Outside Birdland, the bouncer, a hulking condor, looked at his list and shook his head, dismissing the penguins. “Go play with the emus.”

The proud penguin kept cool. “Do your research. Since the earliest categorization of the class Aves in 1676 flight has NOT been a prerequisite.”

That night the club door was welded shut and a tube inserted to pump in frigid air.

Windows were sealed from outside.

Birds who could survive the polar-blast, Arctic terns and such, soared beautifully through the air in breathtaking arcs until slamming bloodily into the icy barricaded exits.

The crime was never solved. (100)

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