micro fiction (noun)
something invented by the imagination, of varying lengths, no more than 500 words.


  • Microfiction sent by the best up and coming writers of short short short stories. So short you can read 5 in minutes, like, while you’re drinking your morning coffee, or visiting the necessary!

  • MicroLight interviews where we get to spotlight the many writers of microfiction by asking them 6 key questions that we hope will help you get to know them better and perhaps inspire you to join us!

  • Quarterly MicroZine PDFs that you can Print and then “build-it-yourself” to create the smallest Zine filled with stories you may have already received via email, and some special ones as well as a MicroLight interview too.


MicroZine literally cannot exist without its writers to contribute their time and their stories! So, while we are going to be offering the below in some form or another, if you are a writer and you have an idea for something else we might be able to do to make your stay here even better, do drop us a line!

  • MicroPrompts - Weekly prompts using images and scenarios to help inspire you to write microfiction.

  • MicroLight - 6 interview questions we are asking all regular writers of microfiction. It’s amazing the different answers we receive from these 6 simple questions.

  • MicroZine Digital (weekly/monthly) - Submit your microfiction stories and we’ll send them via email to all of our subscribers. No more than 3 per month or 5 in one calendar year (this is subject to change over time).

  • MicroZine Print (quarterly) - You’ll have an opportunity to be featured in our very small, very thin, MicroZine PDF! You must answer YES to this question in the Submissions form to be considered for future issues.

  • MicroZine Contest - An annual time where it’s every man, woman, and beast for themselves! It’s time to flex your storytelling abilities and show us what you got! Can you take home the first prize?


We have 3 key goals for MicroZine that only can happen by your subscription and participation. Whether you’re a reader or a writer.

  • Compensation - We hope to turn on paid subscriptions some day so that we can pay the many writers who submit their stories for us to print because we understand the hard work it takes to be masters of microfiction and understand that that kind of dedication deserves to be recognized by payment.

  • Print MicroZine Subscription - One way we are looking to open paid subscriptions is to offer receiving the quarterly MicroZine in your mailbox instead of your inbox. This way you don’t have to Print or “build-it-yourself” and we’ll do that work for you.

  • Volunteer Staff - As you can imagine, creating a dream like this cannot be done by just one or two people. It takes a team who believes in storytelling, in community, and understands what it takes to make it all happen for the readers and writers alike. We hope to bring on others who have always wanted to help with their own particularly unique set of skills. Some areas we are looking for support are: Editor, Social Media & Outreach, Graphics Designer, Illustrator. But if you don’t think you fit into any of these labels, just reach out and we’ll see what we can do to bring you onto the team!

As you can see we aim high around here. And why not? If you haven’t subscribed yet, please do so, and if you can, pledge your support as well, so we know you’re interested in helping and perhaps in what a paid subscription would get you.

Pledge Today

Thank you!

Subscribe to MicroZine

A story can be found, and appreciated, in the smallest of places and fewest of words…


Queen of 💯 Word Stories.