is our resident fantasy and mystery hunter publishing all kinds of books worth buying! She writes .
1. When did you first start writing microfiction?
Oh crap. You want me to remember a date? I am bad at that. I can tell you I started writing microfiction because of the A to Z Blogging Challenge that happens in April, but when I started...I don't remember. It's been a few years at least.
2. What kind of microfiction do you write? Any specific length or genre? How often?
I started with 100 word stories and when I decided to compile them into a book, I upped the word count to 200 words because I decided on 45 stories per collection and 200 words per story gave the book a decent page count. As for genre, fantasy and sci-fi are what I love writing the most.
3. Describe your microfiction writing process.
I wing it. Seriously. I don't put much thought into. I look for a prompt and go from there.
4. Have you ever submitted your microfiction to a contest or publication before? If so, why and where? If not, why not?
No. I have a few websites that take microfiction bookmarked, but, ya know, life gets in the way. I've been too busy that I can barely get writing in, much less think about submitting places.
5. What advice would you give someone who is on the fence about writing microfiction?
It's a great writing exercise. You are forced to think about your word choices and that stretches those writing muscles.
6. Share either your favorite piece or most recent microfiction that youβve written.
Go Up is probably my current top favorite. If you've ever heard of zombie fungi that take over insects, that was my inspiration and it utterly creeps me out.
I love writing microfiction! Can totally relate to your dedication to it.
This interview was fun. With everything going on in my IRL right now, this was a nice pick-me-up. Thanks, Erica. <3